ISC 2024 - Concluded Successfully

Video Clippings - 2024

Snapshot - 2024
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Testimonials 3 - 2024


Silver is a versatile precious metal with ever-increasing industrial applications in a world moving towards sustainable solutions. Enormous amount of research and development on new silver-based application is happening at some of the progressive refineries, research laboratories and science & technology universities and institutions. Unlike the rest of the world, where 55% of silver usage is for industrial application, in India only about 15% of silver goes for industrial usage. Thus, India presents a great opportunity for growing silver usage for industrial application. Second, in a post-covid world where people seek safe antimicrobial solutions at home, silverware offers a very unique and effective value-proposition. There is a huge scope for promoting and broad basing the reach and relevance of silverware now, both in India and abroad. Third, in the minds of consumers in India, the case for silver investment compares poorly vis-à-vis the investment case for gold. This is in part due to lack of awareness, relatively weak communication of investment case in silver. Thankfully, some of innovations such as silver ETF and MCX Bulldex are changing the investment landscape for silver in India.

Is there an initiative that could address all the three areas outlined above? Yes, it’s possible through this annual platform – India Silver Conference.


  • Bring together all the industrial users, producers & bullion suppliers of silver under one platform
  • To provide a platform for showcasing innovation and R&D in new silver-based application
  • To provide a platform for innovators to meet investors
  • To reinforce the investment case in silver and rally for launch of more consumer-driven financial investment products backed by silver
  • Over a medium term, to develop a vibrant ecosystem for innovation, investments in value-added products, services and solutions out of silver.

Why India Silver Conference?

Silver is often discussed with other precious metals

Such discussions are confined at the best to one session on broader demand and supply aspects. In the post-covid world and in the world seeking sustainable solutions, it’s time to amplify the role and contribution of silver.

Innovations in silver end-use applications are plenty

However, in order for these innovations to thrive and grow a mechanism or platform needs to be provided that can bring innovators in touch with investors and other collaborators.

Financial products and solutions on silver

It’s time to have a separate platform to discuss silver based financial products, share success and failures and build more products for various classes of customers.

Networking platform for Silver stakeholders

The silver ecosystem definitely deserves a dedicated annual networking platform. More so because of ever growing demand, new technology, innovations and industrial usage. We believe ISC will be a useful platform to visit once a year and keep abreast with latest happenings.


India Silver Conference should be conceived as an annual conference that, with the help of the industry, would work in the above objectives over a five-year period, during which conference would move around key production / consumption centres.